Our Building Process.

Embarking on custom home building has several moving parts. From the very beginning, we desire for you to have a complete understanding of your home’s customized building process, while also experiencing the luxury of letting Link Custom Homes take care of the details.

We aim to serve, not to overwhelm. Your first steps towards a custom home can be filled with both excitement and uncertainty. At Link Custom Homes, we understand that what you need is a trusted partner and guide.

Our experience in custom home building has led us to develop a step-by-step process that will lead you to move-in day and beyond. As you begin your journey with Link Custom Homes, rest assured that the entire process is laid out for you beforehand. We hope that each step you take is as predictable as possible with few surprises along the way.



  • Initial Consultation
  • Evaluate your Needs
  • Select a Lot
  • Create a Budget
  • Finalize your Ideas
  • Create your Plan



  • Pre-Construction Meetings
  • Form a Schedule
  • Receive Approvals
  • Apply for Permits



  • Excavation
  • Foundation
  • Framing
  • Roofing
  • Mechanical
  • Insulation/ Drywall
  • Finishing Details
  • Final Quality Inspections



  • Orientation
  • Closing
  • Follow Up Meeting



Enjoying many years in your Link Custom Home

Exceptional Quality.

Link Custom Homes is licensed residential home builder and is backed by the best in the business, Travelers 2*5*10 Year Home Warranty Program.

Since 1999 Travelers has been leading the way providing superior warranty coverage for new homes.

Having peace of mind for years to come knowing your home is in trusted hands with Travelers Home Warranty. They have the most knowledgeable and experienced staff that deliver excellent customer service to new homeowners in British Columbia.